UNESCO-Fazheng: Best practices in mobile learning
UNESCO-Fazheng project case studies
(As one of the main founding organisations, Fazheng Group presents these articles: https://en.unesco.org/themes/ict-education/mobile-learning/fazheng/case-studies)
There are two types of case study:
- top-down mobile learning initiatives attempted by governments and ministries of education
- grass root (bottom-up) initiatives implemented in schools
The following were selected for inclusion in the publication and will be published later this year both on and offline.
Top-down cases
Download summaries of top-down case studies
Enhancing social inclusion through innovative mobile learning in Uruguay
Plan Ceibal, Uruguay
Establishing a system for developing digitally mature schools in Croatia
e-Schools: Establishing a System for Developing Digitally Mature Schools, CARNET, Croatia
Classroom revolution through SMART education in the Republic of Korea
SMART Schools, Republic of Korea
Transforming Finnish schools to mobile learning environments with a competence-based core curriculum
Finnish National Agency for Education, Finland
Improving quality and relevance of education through mobile learning
Ministry of Education, Rwanda
- Future Classroom Lab, European Schoolnet
- Future School, Singapore
- Future School Lab, People’s Republic of China
- Future Ready Schools, United States of America
Bottom-up cases
Download summaries of bottom-up case studies
Mobile learning for individualized education in China
Shuren Jingrui Primary School, China
Mobile Learning as a long-term institutional innovation strategy in Spain
CEIP Ponte dos Brozos, Spain
Mobile learning as a catalyst to global citizenship education in China
Beijing Royal School, People’s Republic of China
Empowering students to become agents of social transformation through mobile learning in Brazil
Colégio Miguel de Cervantes, Brazil
Developing and delivering a successful technology for learning strategy in the UK
Denbigh High School, Luton, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
Anytime, anywhere learning for improved education results in Russia
Harmony School, Russia
Mobile technologies for lifewide learning in schools in Israel
Amal Shevach Mofet High School, Israel
Using technology-assisted project based learning to promote 21st century skills in Portugal
Colégio Monte Flor, Portugal