Beijing Royal School 25th Anniversary & 6th Integrate to…
On behalf of Fazheng Group/Beijing Royal School, we warmly invite you as our most valued guests to watch the Live Stream of Beijing Royal School 25th Anniversary & 6th Integrate to Innovate International Education Forum, which will be held on Tuesday 9:30am 28th Sep Beijing Time (Monday 21:30 27th Sep EDT).
Please kindly scan any of the two QR codes showed below or click the link here for watching the Live Stream: https://live.media.weibo.com/live/show?id=1022:2320506607bef1b259daf7634857ae86b42031&from=10B9393010&wm=3333_2001&weiboauthoruid=2027748881
We appreciate your time and your long-term support, and we hope you could join us to celebrate this very BIG event for Fazheng Group/Beijing Royal School!